

French Conversation

Celebrating Bastille day.
Status:Active, open to new members
Group email: French Conversation group
When: Weekly on Tuesday afternoons 2:00 pm

We are a small group who enjoy discussing various subjects speaking French throughout. Members have different levels of knowledge of French, but all are able to carry on a conversation in the language.

This is not a group for beginners.

SKILL LEVEL - Able to converse in French.

During Covid we began to meet on Zoom rather than in person and we still meet in this way, more frequently than before, which is better for language practice.

We meet at 2pm on most Tuesdays (1st, 2nd and 4th) which is on those Tuesdays when there is no general U3A meeting, for 40 minutes each time.

Please get in touch if you are interested to join.

A message can be sent by clicking on the link above.